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Constitution Noel Park Residents Association

1.    Name of Association

The name of the association shall be: Noel Park Residents’ Association [‘NPRA, or ‘the Association’].

2.    Aims

The NPRA is the residents’ association for Ashley Crescent, Berners Road, Buller Road, Coombe Road, Cranbrook Park, Darwin Road, Farrant Avenue, Gathorne Road, Gladstone Avenue, Hewitt Avenue, Lordship Lane (south side between High Road and Gladstone Avenue,), Lymington Avenue, Mark Road, Maurice Avenue, Morley Avenue, Moselle Avenue, Noel Park Road, Pelham Road, Redvers Road, Russell Avenue, Salisbury Road, , Vincent Road, Vincent Square, Wellesley Road, Wood Green, N22 [‘the area’ or ‘the neighbourhood’].

The association aims:

a.   To promote and encourage residents of the area to organise themselves, speak out and take action on matters of common interest and concern – as set out below. The NPRA will also encourage residents in the area to organise themselves for similar purposes, or for community-related activities and purposes which sit well with our aims and principles.

b.   To promote and encourage the participation in the life of the local community of every resident in the area. In particular:

–   to promote communication, co-operation, solidarity, mutual aid and awareness throughout the local community

–   to oppose racism, sexism, poverty and other forms of discrimination or injustice based on class, race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, status (housing status, legal status, qualifications etc), belief, background or lifestyle.

–   to oppose public anti-social behaviour, and to support vulnerable members of the community

c.   To ensure that all residents are consulted regularly and that they have the opportunity and ability to influence, and eventually make, all the decisions which affect them or the neighbourhood.

d.   To promote residents’ rights and collective interests, and to improve the quality of life for local people.

e.  To affiliate to any body that furthers the interests of residents.

3.    Activities

a.   The NPRA will work for:

–   Neighbourliness and community spirit

–   A safe, pleasant and green local environment

–   A wide range of publicly-accountable community facilities and resources

–   Decent, adequate, affordable and secure housing for all

b. The NPRA aims to encourage and carry out many diverse activities and campaigns, including for example:

–   effective traffic calming throughout the area

–   greater facilities for all the community – all age groups, backgrounds, interest groups etc.

–   a residents’ skills and resources sharing

–   promotion of residents’ arts and creativity

–   action to improve housing conditions

–   improvements to the condition and maintenance of local streets (rubbish, lighting, pavements etc.)

–   improvements to neighbouring parks and green spaces

–   promotion of residents’ street parties and other events which bring people together

–   a positive range of responses to discourage aggressive, anti-social behaviour – and to support those affected

–   support for residents’ independent, self-organised activities and groups (which do not conflict with NPRA aims)

–   and other activities consistent with NPRA aims.

c.   The NPRA will produce regular leaflets, newsletters and posters to publicise activities to all residents by posting on the community notice boards and aims to establish and maintain a website or blog.

d. The Association will aim to create an atmosphere of trust and enthusiasm, caring and co-operation at meetings and among members generally – along with a determination to promote community spirit and to defend the interests of the community.

e.  The NPRA aims to have a good working relationship with all those who are employed to work in the area, and with officials from the Council and other organisations who manage resources and services which may be useful to local residents.

4.    Membership

a.   Every person living within the area, whatever their housing status (tenant, owner etc.), shall be entitled to become a member of the NPRA upon receipt of their application by the Secretary of NPRA together with the required membership fee , and that they broadly agree with the general aims and activities of NPRA as set out in paragraphs 2 & 3 above. Where mentioned in this Constitution, “Members” shall mean a resident who has submitted an application and paid the membership fee in accordance with this paragraph and other applicable terms of this Constitution.

b.   The membership fee shall be set by Members at the AGM from time to time. All Members will be required to pay the membership fee annually as set from time to time.

c. Membership is not transferable and the resident ceases to be a member once they have moved away from the areas mentioned in paragraph 2 above.

d.   The NPRA will strive to increase its membership, and to try to ensure that its membership reflects the diversity and make up of the local community.

e.   In addition to membership fees collected, NPRA also welcomes donations to support its aims and activities.

5.    Networking

a.   The NPRA endeavours to encourage all manner of direct contact and interaction between Members, and among residents generally. This may take the form of skills and resource exchanges, street by street communication and co-operation, miscellaneous initiatives, socialising and friendships.

b.   The NPRA aims to have Street Contacts in each street to act as two-way liaison between those involved in the association and residents generally. Street Contacts will be made up of two Members who are resident on those roads.

c.   The association aims to develop good relations with residents’ groups in neighbouring areas.

6.    General Meetings

a.   General meetings will usually be held at least once every two months – usually alternating between General Meetings (publicised to all Members) and Organising Meetings (publicised to all committee Members). General Meetings will tend to concentrate on discussion. Organising Meetings will tend to concentrate on the practicalities of running the association and its activities.

b.   All meetings will be open to all Members who wish to contribute constructively, or to find out more about one or more NPRA activities with a view to supporting them.

c.   At all meetings, those present must respect others’ rights to be heard. All Members are encouraged to attend and to air their points of view.

d.   Decisions at General and Organising Meetings are to be made by consensus where possible, voting where necessary (by a simple majority of Members present and voting).

e.   The quorum for policy-making decisions at a General or Organising Meeting shall be 4. If less than 4 Members are present, any such decision must be ratified at the next General or Organising Meeting.

f.    Members at General or Organising Meetings can convene working groups, having rules of working agreed by the Association. Any Member can attend such meetings.

g.   Any Member dissatisfied with any functioning of the NPRA can put their views in writing to be discussed at the next General or Organising Meeting, and can expect a reply.

h.   Minutes of all meetings will be available to all Members.

7.    Special Meetings

A General or Organising Meeting may at any time call a Special Meeting of the NPRA for considering specific matters which they may decide. The same guidelines apply as those for General or Organising Meetings.

8.    Notice of Meetings

Notice will be sent to every Member by email, by hand or by post, with the date, time, place of of the relevant meeting.

9.    Responsibilities

a.   The NPRA shall delegate responsibilities to individual members as and when needed, including for co-ordination and administration purposes. Each meeting shall elect a chair and minute-taker for that meeting, and further delegate Members to specific tasks as and when needed. The Association shall elect a chair, treasurer and secretary, plus other committee members, annually at the AGM.

b.   Any Members wishing to be actively involved in the day-to-day running of the association shall be encouraged to get involved as much or as little as they wish.

c.   Any meeting may delegate a Member to represent the Association at another event or organisation. Anyone representing the NPRA should abide by the association’s wishes and should report back to the next meeting. No one can speak for the NPRA unless this has been agreed at a meeting.

d.   All officers and delegates, when acting on behalf of the NPRA, must further the aims of the Association, and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.

e.   No person may hold a specific committee post of the NPRA for more than 5 consecutive years unless Members at an AGM have approved this.

f.    Any officer or committee member who fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings without sending apologies will be presumed resigned.

10.    Annual General Meeting

a.   Each year there will be an Annual General Meeting (AGM), with Members given at least 21 days’ notice.

b.   At this meeting:-

– There shall be Reports outlining and summarising the past year’s NPRA activities – as well as discussion about those activities, and future activities and goals.

–   There will be elections for Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

–   Those with other positions shall be subject to ratification, recall or replacement.

–   Amendments may be made to the constitution. They should be submitted in writing at least 14 days before the meeting.

–   Other business may take place, as decided by the previous General or Organising Meeting, or by Members present at the AGM.

c.   The quorum for Annual General Meetings shall be 8. If fewer than 8 Members are present, any decision must be ratified at the next General Meeting – but no changes may be made to the constitution.

d.   Any alterations to the constitution shall be made by a two-thirds majority of those Members voting at the meeting.

11.    Finances

a.   All monies raised by or on behalf of the NPRA shall be used to further the aims of the Association.

b.   The treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the NPRA. Finances are currently low and for the time-being can be maintained on a cash basis. If and when the finances increase the treasurer shall maintain a bank/building society account in the name of the Association. The NPRA may apply for grants or any other appropriate source of funding.

c.   All cheques etc. should be signed by at least two Members, out of 4 Members delegated to be signatories (one of whom will be the treasurer).

d.    The accounts shall be available for inspection at the AGM, or otherwise at the discretion of a General or Organising Meeting. An annual financial report, independently verified, shall be made for the AGM. If and when the finances increase, it will be necessary to have them externally audited.

12.    Dissolution

If a General Meeting attended by no less than 10 Members, resolve to dissolve the NPRA, they shall give to all Members at least 14 days notice of a Special Meeting to discuss this. If such a decision is agreed at that meeting by a two-thirds majority of those Members present and voting, the assets will be disposed of to another voluntary organisation with compatible aims and principles, this group being agreed at the same Special Meeting.

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